We propose a new way of browsing bilingual web sites through concurrent browsing with automatic similar-content synchronization and viewpoint retrieval facilities. Our prototype browser system is called the Bilingual Comparative Web Browser (B-CWB) and it concurrently presents bilingual web pages in a way that enables their contents to be automatically synchronized. The B-CWB allows users to browse multiple web news sites concurrently and compare their viewpoint of news articles written in different languages (English and Japanese). Our viewpoint retrieval is based on similar and different detection. We described categorizing pages in terms of viewpoint: the entire similarity, the content difference, and subject difference. Content synchronization means that user operation (scrolling or clicking) on one web page does not necessarily invoke the same operations on the other web page to preserve similarity of content between the multiple web pages. For example, scrolling a web page may invoke passage-level viewpoint retrieval on the other web page. Clicking a web page (and obtaining a new web page) invokes page-level viewpoint retrieval within the other site's pages through the use of an English-Japanese dictionary.
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Nadamoto, A., Ma, Q. & Tanaka, K. B-CWB: Bilingual Comparative Web Browser Based on Content-Synchronization and Viewpoint Retrieval. World Wide Web 8, 347–367 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-005-1316-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-005-1316-8