Microblogging (or tweet) has become a mainstream channel for people to share information with others on the Internet. Users are linked as a huge social network through tweets. Community recognition in tweet-based social network is very important for identifying users’ interests to help companies to improve their marketing strategies. However, because of being massive, involved in large fields, short-length and non-structural, it is difficult to process tweet messages with existing approaches straightforward. Due to this reason, in this work we present a framework DICH to Discover Implicit Communities Hidden in tweet data. To implement the framework, besides proposing techniques for preprocessing tweet data, we develop an unsupervised learning method called MbCLARANS, which is an optimized CLARANS algorithm, to discover the implicit communities hidden in tweet datasets. During the process of computing, the pairwise relationships between users are employed to improve the clustering quality. In addition, an adaptive k strategy is utilized to make the approach more applicable. The performance of the approach is demonstrated with experiments on tweet data collected from SINA Weibo.
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Peng, D., Lei, X. & Huang, T. DICH: A framework for discovering implicit communities hidden in tweets. World Wide Web 18, 795–818 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-014-0279-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-014-0279-z