Multi-agent technologies have been widely employed for the development of web-based systems, including web-based e-markets, web-based grid computing, e-governments and service-oriented software systems. In these service-oriented systems, service provider agents and service consumer agents are autonomous and rational entities, which can enter and leave the environments freely. For simplicity, we use terms ‘provider’ and ‘consumer’ to represent this two types of agents. How to select the most suitable service providers according to a service request from a consumer in such an open environment is a very challenging issue. In this paper, we propose an innovative trust model, called the GTrust model, for service group selection in general service-oriented environments. In the GTrust model, the trust evaluation for a service group is based on the functionality coverage of the group, the dependency relationships among individual services in the group, the ratings of individual services on the attributes of the service request and a similarity measurement of the extent to which reference reports can reflect the service request in terms of the priority distribution of attributes. The experimental results and analysis demonstrate the good performance of the GTrust model on the service group selection in service-oriented environments.

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Dr. Madeleine Cincotta is acknowledged for editing the final manuscript.
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Su, X., Zhang, M. & Mu, Y. Trust-based group services selection in web-based service-oriented environments. World Wide Web 19, 807–832 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-015-0362-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-015-0362-0