Analysis of mobile big data enables smart cities from aspects of traffic pattern, human mobility, air quality, and so on. Co-occurrence pattern in human mobility has been proposed in recent years and sparked high attentions of academia and industry. Co-occurrence pattern has shown enormous values in aspects of urban planning, business, and social applications, such as shopping mall promotion strategy making, and contagious disease spreading. What’s more, human mobility has strong relation with regional functions, because each urban region owns a major function to offer specialized services for city’s operations and such location-based services attract massive passenger flow, which is exactly the essence of urban human mobility pattern. Therefore, in this paper, we put forward a co-occurrence pattern mining scheme (CoPFun) based on regional function discovery utilizing various mobile data. First, we do traffic modeling to map trajectory data into population groups, which include temporal partition and map segmentation. Then we employ a frequent pattern mining algorithm to mine co-occurrence event data. Meanwhile, we exploit TF-IDF method to process POI data and LDA algorithm to process trajectory data to discover urban regional functions. We apply CoPFun to real mobile data to extract co-occurrence event data and compare it with OD data to analyze urban co-occurrence pattern from a perspective of regional functions. The experiment results verify the effectiveness of CoPFun.

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This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant no. 61572106, the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, China under Grant no. 201602154, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant no. DUT18JC09, and China Scholarship Council under Grant no. 201706060067.
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Kong, X., Li, M., Li, J. et al. CoPFun: an urban co-occurrence pattern mining scheme based on regional function discovery. World Wide Web 22, 1029–1054 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-018-0578-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-018-0578-x