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Uncovering the nucleus of a massive reciprocal network

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World Wide Web Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Google+ is a directed online social network where nodes have either reciprocal (bidirectional) edges or parasocial (one-way) edges. As reciprocal edges play an important role in the structural properties, formation and evolution of online social networks, we study the core structure of the subgraph formed by them, referred to as the reciprocal network of Google+ — in a sense, a reciprocal network can be viewed as the stable “skeleton” network of a directed online social network that holds it together. We develop an effective three-step procedure to hierarchically extract and unfold the core structure of a network by building up and generalizing ideas from the existing k-shell decomposition and clique percolation approaches. Our scheme produces higher-level representations of the core structure of the Google+ reciprocal network and it reveals that there are ten subgraphs (“communities”) comprising of dense clusters of cliques lying at the center of the core structure of the Google+ reciprocal network. Together they form the core to which “peripheral” sparse subgraphs are attached. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the core structure of the Google+ reciprocal network is very stable as the network evolves. Our results have implications in the design of algorithms for information flow, and in development of techniques for analyzing the vulnerability or robustness of online social networks.

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Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14

Similar content being viewed by others


  1. Our methodology can also be applied to others online social networks

  2. In this paper we use the terms “user” and “node” interchangeable

  3. Google+ assigns each user a 21-digit integer ID, where the highest order digit is always 1 (e.g., 100000000006155622736)

  4. For clarity of notation, we sometimes drop the subscript index i from the subgraphs notations, unless we are referring to a specific snapshot i

  5. It contains more than 90% of the nodes with at least one reciprocal edge in Google+ . Hence, our analysis of the dataset is eventually approximate

  6. Which simply removes all nodes with degree less than k in a graph

  7. In this paper we use the terms “core” and “nucleus” interchangeable


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This research was supported in part by DoD ARO MURI Award W911NF-12-1-0385, DTRA grant HDTRA1- 14-1-0040, NSF grant CNS-1411636, CNS-1618339 and CNS-1617729.

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Correspondence to Braulio Dumba.

Additional information

This article belongs to the Topical Collection: Special Issue on Social Computing and Big Data Applications

Guest Editors: Xiaoming Fu, Hong Huang, Gareth Tyson, Lu Zheng, and Gang Wang



Beta Parameter Selection

we now proof that the number of n-step removed neighbors of i is multiplied by βn− 1. We also present a discussion on how the selection of values for the β parameter in (1) impacts our criteria to stop the k-shell decomposition method presented in Section 5:

Given that dep0(i) = 0 and dep1(i) = δ1(i), we can write an expression for dep2(i) as following:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} dep^{2}(i) &=& dep^{1}(i) + \delta^{2}(i) + \beta \times {\Sigma}_{j \in N^{2}(i)} dep^{1}(j)\\ & =& \delta^{1}(i) + \delta^{2}(i) + \beta \times {\Sigma}_{j \in N^{2}(i)}\delta^{1}(j) \end{array} $$

Let’s assume that node i has c(i) = 4, then dep4(i) is computed as following:

$$ dep^{4}(i) = dep^{3}(i) + \delta^{4}(i) + \beta {\Sigma}_{j\in N^{4}(i)}[dep^{3}(j)] $$

Expanding (6) gives:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} dep^{4}(i) &=& dep^{3}(i) + \delta^{4}(i) + \beta {\Sigma}_{j\in N^{4}(i)}[dep^{2}(j) + \delta^{3}(j)\\ &&+\, \beta {\Sigma}_{j^{\prime}\in N^{3}(j)}dep^{2}(j^{\prime})] \end{array} $$

Substituting (5) gives:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} dep^{4}(i)&:=& dep^{3}(i) + \delta^{4}(i) + \beta {\Sigma}_{j} [M^{3}(j) + \beta \delta^{2}(j) \rho^{1}(j^{{\prime}*})\\ &&+\, \beta {\Sigma}_{j^{\prime}} [M^{2}(j^{\prime}) + \beta \delta^{2}(j^{\prime}) \rho^{1}(j^{\prime\prime})]] \end{array} $$

where Mk(i) = Σkδk(i) and δk(i) = ρk(i),∀iV.

Further simplify dep4(i) gives:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} dep^{4}(i)&:=& dep^{3}(i) + \delta^{4}(i) + {\Sigma}_{j} [\beta M^{3}(j) + \beta^{2} \delta^{2}(j)\rho^{1}(j^{{\prime}*})\\ &&+\, {\Sigma}_{j^{\prime}} [\beta^{2} M^{2}(j^{\prime}) + \beta^{3} \delta^{2}(j^{\prime}) \rho^{1}(j^{\prime\prime})]] \end{array} $$

We can rewrite the above expressions as:

$$ dep^{4}(i):= dep^{3}(i) + \beta^{0}A + {\Sigma}_{j} [\beta B + \beta^{2} C + {\Sigma}_{j^{\prime}} [\beta^{2} D + \beta^{3}E]] $$


  • A = δ4(i): 1-step neighbors of i removed at k = 4

  • B = M3(j): 2-step neighbors of i removed at k = 1, 2, 3

  • C = δ2(j)ρ1(j): 3-step neighbors of i removed at k = 1

  • D = M2(j): 3-step neighbors of i removed at k = 1, 2

  • E = δ2(j)ρ1(j): 4-step neighbors of i removed at k = 1

By generalizing (7) (k = 5,...,n), we observe that at every k-index, the number of n-step removed neighbors of i is multiplied by βn− 1. This concludes our proof.

Essentially, the parameter β quantifies the contribution of node j to the total dependence value of node i. Thus, varying β in the range ]0, 1[ will not have any impact on the value of the k-index where we should stop the k-shell decomposition method — by varying β, we are impacting the contribution of any node j to the total dependence value of node i by the same proportion. Thus varying the βn− 1 does not have any impact in our criteria to stop the k-shell decomposition method introduced in Section 5 – see Figure 15 for an illustration.

Figure 15
figure 15

Avg dependency values for Google+ (H1) (β = 0.25,0.50,0.75)

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Dumba, B., Zhang, ZL. Uncovering the nucleus of a massive reciprocal network. World Wide Web 22, 3021–3046 (2019).

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