Spatial prevalent co-location pattern mining is to discover interesting and potentially useful patterns from spatial data, and it plays an important role in identifying spatially correlated features in many domains, such as Earth science and Public transportation. Existing approaches in this field only take into account the clique instances where feature instances form a clique. However, they may neglect some important spatial correlations among features in practice. In this paper, we introduce star participation instances to measure the prevalence of co-location patterns such that spatially correlated instances which cannot form cliques will also be properly considered. Then we propose a new concept called sub-prevalent co-location patterns (SPCP) based on the star participation instances. Furthermore, two efficient algorithms -- the prefix-tree-based algorithm (PTBA) and the partition-based algorithm (PBA) -- are proposed to mine all the maximal sub-prevalent co-location patterns (MSPCP) in a spatial data set. PTBA uses a typical candidate generate-and-test way starting from candidates with the longest pattern-size, while PBA adopts a step-by-step manner starting from 3-size core patterns. We demonstrate the significance of our proposed new concepts as well as the efficiency of our algorithms through extensive experiments.

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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61472346, No. 61662086 and No. 61762090), the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province (No. 2016FA026), the Program for Young and Middle-aged Skeleton Teachers of Yunnan University (No. WX069051), and the Project of Innovation Research Team of Yunnan Province (2018HC019).
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Wang, L., Bao, X., Zhou, L. et al. Mining maximal sub-prevalent co-location patterns. World Wide Web 22, 1971–1997 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-018-0646-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-018-0646-2