Attributed network embedding has attracted plenty of interest in recent years. It aims to learn task-independent, low-dimensional, and continuous vectors for nodes preserving both topology and attribute information. Most of the existing methods, such as random-walk based methods and GCNs, mainly focus on the local information, i.e., the attributes of the neighbours. Thus, they have been well studied for assortative networks (i.e., networks with communities) but ignored disassortative networks (i.e., networks with multipartite, hubs, and hybrid structures), which are common in the real world. To model both assortative and disassortative networks, we propose a block-based generative model for attributed network embedding from a probability perspective. Specifically, the nodes are assigned to several blocks wherein the nodes in the same block share the similar linkage patterns. These patterns can define assortative networks containing communities or disassortative networks with the multipartite, hub, or any hybrid structures. To preserve the attribute information, we assume that each node has a hidden embedding related to its assigned block. We use a neural network to characterize the nonlinearity between node embeddings and node attributes. We perform extensive experiments on real-world and synthetic attributed networks. The results show that our proposed method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art embedding methods for both clustering and classification tasks, especially on disassortative networks.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 61876069; Jilin Province Key Scientific and Technological Research and Development project under grant numbers 20180201067GX, 20180201044GX; Jilin Province Natural Science Foundation under grant number 20200201036JC; China Scholarship Council under grant number 201906170205, 201906170208; Australian Research Council under grant number DP190101087.
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In this section, we give some details for the derivation of likelihood of complete-data and the update rules of the parameters of our model.
Derivation of likelihood of complete-data
According to the generative process of attributed networks, the joint probability or the likelihood of complete-data is
and each factor is defined as follows.
First, we know that the node assignment follows a multinomial distribution. The probability of node i belongs to block k is ωk and the assignment for each node is independent. Thus, the probability of assigning all nodes, i.e., obtaining vector c =< c1, c2,...cn >, is
Then, the embedding of node i follows a Gaussian distribution with mean \(\pmb {\mu }_{c_{i}}\) and standard derivation \(\pmb {\sigma }_{c_{i}}\) if we know that node i belongs to block ci. Thus, we have
As for the probability of generating node attributes, if X ∈{0, 1}n×M, it follows a Bernoulli distribution, i.e., the probability of node i having m-th attribute is υim. Thus,
Similarly, if \(\pmb {X} \in \mathbb {R}^{n\times M}\), we can obtain
Finally, generating links between each pair of nodes follows a Bernoulli distribution and the generation process of each pair of nodes is independent. The probability of node i connecting to node j is \(\pi _{c_{i}c_{j}}\) if the node assignment is known. Thus, the probability of generating links is
Using a network with binary attributes as an example, we substitute (14)-(16) and (18) to (13), we obtain
Derivation of update rules of the parameters
First, the items related to τ on (7) are:
Set \(\frac {\partial {\mathscr{L}}_{[\tau _{ik}]}}{\partial \tau _{ik}}=0\), then we can update τik by
Then, we optimize πkl:
Set \(\frac {\partial {\mathscr{L}}_{[\pi _{kl}]}}{\partial \pi _{kl}}=0\), we obtain
Next, the items related to ωk are
Since \({\sum }_{k=1}^{K}=1\), we take the derivative of \({\mathscr{L}}_{[\omega _{k}]} + \upbeta ({\sum }_{k}\omega _{k} - 1)\) of ωk, and make the derivative to zero. Then, we can obtain the update formula for ωk as follows:
In the same way, we can obtain the items related to μkd and σkd as follows:
We set \(\frac {\partial {\mathscr{L}}_{[\mu _{kd}]}}{\partial \mu _{kd}}=0\) and \(\frac {\partial {\mathscr{L}}_{[\sigma _{kd}]}}{\partial \sigma _{kd}}=0\), then we derive the update rules for μkd and σkd are
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Liu, X., Yang, B., Song, W. et al. A block-based generative model for attributed network embedding. World Wide Web 24, 1439–1464 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-021-00918-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-021-00918-y