I will present an approach whose purpose aims at supporting and making easier and more relevant the choice of an anti-virus product. Among the qualities, which one can expect from an anti-virus product, appear classically the optimal use of the resources and the reactivity of the manufacturer, particularly concerning the viral signature base update. If these requirements are significant, other methodical and technical verifications may be required in order for an individual or a company to make their choice. In the Common Criteria evaluation scheme, a protection profile is proposed to help a software manufacturer to design a product that should be evaluated by an independent security evaluation laboratory. Protection profiles are written in accordance with the Common Criteria standard. Starting from a protection profile, we list some tests that could be carried out to validate the security requirements of an anti-virus product. Both use of a protection profile and the specification of tests seem to be a valuable basis to measure the confidence to grant an anti-virus product.
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Josse, S. How to Assess the Effectiveness of your Anti-virus?. J Comput Virol 2, 51–65 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11416-006-0016-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11416-006-0016-y