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Impeding behavior-based malware analysis via replacement attacks to malware specifications

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Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques Aims and scope Submit manuscript


As the underground market of malware flourishes, there is an exponential increase in the number and diversity of malware. A crucial question in malware analysis research is how to define malware specifications or signatures that faithfully describe similar malicious intent and also clearly stand out from other programs. Although the traditional malware specifications based on syntactic signatures are efficient, they can be easily defeated by various obfuscation techniques. Since the malicious behavior is often stable across similar malware instances, behavior-based specifications which capture real malicious characteristics during run time, have become more prevalent in anti-malware tasks, such as malware detection and malware clustering. This kind of specification is typically extracted from the system call dependence graph that a malware sample invokes. In this paper, we present replacement attacks to camouflage similar behaviors by poisoning behavior-based specifications. The key method of our attacks is to replace a system call dependence graph to its semantically equivalent variants so that the similar malware samples within one family turn out to be different. As a result, malware analysts have to put more efforts into reexamining the similar samples which may have been investigated before. We distil general attacking strategies by mining more than 5200 malware samples’ behavior specifications and implement a compiler-level prototype to automate replacement attacks. Experiments on 960 real malware samples demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to impede various behavior-based malware analysis tasks, such as similarity comparison and malware clustering. In the end, we also discuss possible countermeasures in order to strengthen existing malware defense.

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  1. The systems call in Windows NT is called as native API.

  2. In the code, we use Windows API as a proxy for Windows native API. We will discuss this issue further at Sect. 4.

  3. The similarity metrics and threshold will be discussed in detail in Sect. 5.2.





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We are very grateful to Paolo Milani Comparetti and Christopher Kruegel for providing access to the BCHKK-data dataset. This research was supported in part by the Grants NSF CNS-1223710, NSF CCF-1320605, ONR N00014-13-1-0175, and ARO W911NF-13-1-0421 (MURI). Peng Liu was supported by ARO W911NF-13-1-0421 (MURI), NSF CCF-1320605, CNS-1422594, and NIETP CAE Cybersecurity Grant.

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Correspondence to Jiang Ming.

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A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS’15) , New York, June 2–5, 2015 [31].

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Ming, J., Xin, Z., Lan, P. et al. Impeding behavior-based malware analysis via replacement attacks to malware specifications. J Comput Virol Hack Tech 13, 193–207 (2017).

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