This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N,D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of the waiting customers exceeds D, whichever occurs first (Min(N,D)-policy). By using renewal process theory and total probability decomposition technique, the authors study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length from the beginning of the arbitrary initial state, and obtain both the recursive expression of the z-transformation of the transient queue length distribution and the recursive formula for calculating the steady state queue length at arbitrary time epoch n +. Meanwhile, the authors obtain the explicit expressions of the additional queue length distribution. Furthermore, the important relations between the steady state queue length distributions at different time epochs n -, n and n + are also reported. Finally, the authors give numerical examples to illustrate the effect of system parameters on the steady state queue length distribution, and also show from numerical results that the expressions of the steady state queue length distribution is important in the system capacity design.
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This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 71171138, 71301111, 71571127, and the Scientific Research Innovation & Application Foundation of Headmaster of Hexi University under Grant Nos. XZ2013-06, XZ2013-09.
This paper was recommended for publication by Editor ZHANG Xun.
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Gu, J., Wei, Y., Tang, Y. et al. Queue size distribution of Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N,D)-policy. J Syst Sci Complex 29, 752–771 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-016-4180-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-016-4180-y