The focus of this paper is to address a novel control technique for stability and transparency analysis of bilateral telerobotic systems in the presence of data loss and time delay in the communication channel. Different control strategies have been reported to compensate the effects of time delay in the communication channel; however, most of them result in poor performance under data loss. First, a model for data loss is proposed using a finite series representation of a set of periodic continuous pulses. To improve the performance and data reconstruction, a holder circuits is also introduced. The passivity of the overall system is provided via the wave variable technique based on the proposed model for the data loss. The stability analysis of the system is then derived using the Lyapunov theorem under the time delay and the data loss. Finally, experimental results are given to illustrate the capability of the proposed control technique.
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Bakhshi, A., Alfi, A., Talebi, H.A. et al. Stability Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Delayed Bilateral Telerobotic Systems over a Lossy Communication Channel. J Syst Sci Complex 34, 157–179 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-020-9144-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-020-9144-6