This paper discusses regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data arising from the accelerated failure time model in the presence of informative censoring. For the problem, a sieve maximum likelihood estimation approach is proposed and in the method, the copula model is employed to describe the relationship between the failure time of interest and the censoring or observation process. Also I-spline functions are used to approximate the unknown functions in the model, and a simulation study is carried out to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed approach and suggests that it works well in practical situations. In addition, an illustrative example is provided.
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This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11671168 and the Science and Technology Developing Plan of Jilin Province under Grant No. 20200201258JC.
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Zhao, S., Dong, L. & Sun, J. Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Data with Informative Observation Times Under the Accelerated Failure Time Model. J Syst Sci Complex 35, 1520–1534 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-021-0209-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11424-021-0209-y