This paper considers a two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel with confidential messages (IFC-CM), where the beamforming vectors at the two transmitters are jointly optimized using the closed-form Pareto-optimal parameterization. We prove that artificial noise cannot improve the secrecy rate performance, and coordinated beamforming is secrecy-rate optimal which is achieved by agreeing on the parameters between the two transmitters. We analyze the feasible set of the beamforming parameters that guarantees positiveness of the secrecy rates when the transmitters know only statistical CSI, and then analysis in the ergodic secrecy rate region is discussed. More importantly, we derive the closed form of the ergodic secrecy rates and illustrate the Pareto-optimal structure of the beamforming vectors.
本文考虑两用户多输入单输出的带有安全信息的干扰信道, 采用闭式帕累托最优参数法来联合优化发送端的波束成形向量。 其次, 证明加入人为噪声不能提高安全速率, 且对发送端参数的一致性调整可获得协作波束成形的最优安全速率。 当发送端已知信道的统计信息时, 通过分析波束成形参数的可行集来保证安全速率的正定性, 进而得到遍历安全速率域。 最后, 提出遍历安全速率的闭式解, 并阐明波束成形向量的帕累托最优解的结构。
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Fei, Z., Ni, J., Zhao, D. et al. Ergodic secrecy rate of two-user MISO interference channels with statistical CSI. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 57, 1–14 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5098-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5098-4