Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining is the routine diagnostic method for breast cancer (BC), and large amounts of HE stained histopathological images are available for analysis. It is emergent to develop computational methods to efficiently and objectively analyze these images, with the aim of providing potentially better diagnostic and prognostic information for BC. This work focus on analyzing our in-house HE stained histopathological images of breast cancer tissues. Since tumor nests (TNs) and stroma morphological characteristics can reflect the biological behaviors of breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), accurate segmentation of TNs and the stroma is the first step towards the subsequent quantitative analysis. We first propose a method based on the pixel-wise support vector machine (SVM) classifier for segmenting TNs and the stroma, then extract four morphological characters related to the TNs from the images and investigate their relationships with the patients’ 8-year disease free survival (8-DFS). The evaluation result shows that the classification based segmentation method is able to distinguish between TNs and stroma with 87.1% accuracy and 80.2% precision, suggesting that the proposed method is promising in segmenting HE stained IDC histopathological images. The Kaplan-Meier survival curves show that three morphological characters (number of TNs, total perimeter, and average area of TNs) in the images have statistical correlations with 8-DFS of the patients, illustrating that the segmented images can help to identify new morphological factors in IDC TNs for the prediction of BC prognosis.
苏木素-伊红 (Hematoxylin-Eosin, HE) 染色组织病理图像分析是乳腺癌的常规诊断方法. 随着数字病理的发展, 病理实验室采集了大量数字化HE组织病理图像, 迫切需要开发基于计算机的高效客观的病理图像分析方法. 医学领域认为病理图像中癌巢和间质的形态学特征可以反映乳腺浸润性导管癌的生物学行为趋势, 因此精确分割癌巢和间质是计算机辅助分析的基础. 本文将图像分割问题看作是像素点的分类问题, 提出了一种基于像素级特征的支持向量机分类算法来识别癌巢/间质像素点, 从而实现癌巢-间质的分割. 基于此算法, 我们对本实验采集的HE 染色病理图像进行分割, 结果显示该算法在分割癌巢-间质时有87.1%的准确率和80.2%的精度. 我们提取出癌巢的4个形态学特征, Kaplan-Meier生存分析揭示其中三个癌巢形态学特征(癌巢数量、 癌巢总周长以及癌巢平均面积)与患者8年无病生存期 (8-DFS) 具有显著的统计相关性, 该结果表明该分割算法有助于鉴别乳腺浸润性导管癌新的病理学形态预后因子.
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Qu, A., Chen, J., Wang, L. et al. Segmentation of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained breast cancer histopathological images based on pixel-wise SVM classifier. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 58, 1–13 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5277-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5277-3
- breast cancer histopathology images
- segmentation
- image analysis
- support vector machine
- survival analysis