A bug tracking system provides a collaborative platform for the developer crowd. After a bug report is submitted, developers can make comments to supplement the details of the bug report. Due to the large number of developers and bug reports, it is hard to determine which developer (also called commenter) is able to comment on a particular bug report. We refer to the problem of recommending developers for commenting on bug reports as commenter recommendation. In this paper, we perform an empirical analysis on commenter recommendation based on five-year bug reports of four open source projects. First, we preliminarily analyze bug comments and commenters in three categories, the relationship between commenters and fixers, the data scale of comments, and the collaboration on bug commenting. Second, we design a recommendation approach via ranking developers in the crowd to reduce the manual effort of identifying commenters. In this approach, we formulize the commenter recommendation problem as a multi-label recommendation task and leverage both developer collaboration and bug content to find out appropriate commenters. Experimental results show that our approach can effectively recommend commenters; 41% to 75% of the recall value is achieved for top-10 recommendation. Our empirical analysis on bug commenting can help developers understand and improve the process of fixing bugs.
软件bug跟踪系统为开发者群体提供了协作平台。在一个bug报告提交后, 开发者可以通过评论补充bug报告的细节。鉴于开发者和bug报告数量庞大, 很难决定哪个开发者(也称评论者)具有为某个bug报告评论的能力。本文称推荐开发者评论bug报告的问题为评论者推荐。我们基于四个开源项目历时五年的bug报告进行评论者推荐的实证分析。首先, 我们初步分析了bug评论和评论者的三个方面, 即评论者和修复者的关系、评论的数据规模和bug的协同评论。其次, 为了减少手工识别评论者的成本, 我们设计了基于群体中开发者排序的评论者推荐方法。该方法中, 我们将评论者推荐问题描述为多标签推荐任务, 并基于开发者协作和bug内容两个方面找到合适的评论者。实验结果表明该方法可以有效的推荐评论者。推荐前10个候选时可以获得41%到75%的召回率。对bug评论的实证分析可以帮助开发者理解和提高bug的修复过程。
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This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61502345, 61403057, 61370144, 61272089) and New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No. NCET-13-0073).
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Xuan, J., Jiang, H., Zhang, H. et al. Developer recommendation on bug commenting: a ranking approach for the developer crowd. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 60, 072105 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-015-0582-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-015-0582-8
- developer recommendation
- bug comments
- empirical analysis
- recommendation for the crowd
- collaborative filtering
- software repositories