The recognition of human movements based on radar m-D (micro-Doppler) signatures attracts great interest in the field of radar research on automatic target recognition. Because there are multiple frequency components overlapping seriously in the radar echoes from walking humans, it is a very difficult work to recognize walking humans based on radar echoes. In this paper, a recognition method of walking humans based on radar m-D signatures is proposed. In this method, the m-D spectrum is generated by generalized S transform first, and then the entropy segmentation is used to segment the interesting region from the original spectrum. Next, the m-D features are extracted from the m-D region. Lastly, the support vector machine is used to recognize different walking human targets. The simulation experiments considering two factors of height and velocity are also conducted to test the performance of this proposed method.
本文基于雷达微多普勒特征, 提出了一种识别单行人和多行人的方法. 主要创新点包括: 应用广义 s 变换对行人的微多普勒谱进行分析, 时频分辨率高于传统的短时傅里叶变换; 应用信息熵分割微多普勒谱, 去除只包含噪声的部分, 减小特征提取的计算量, 也在一定程度上减小噪声的影响; 提出躯干分量和脚部分量的微多普勒谱分离方法和特征提取方法; 采用躯干和脚部的四个特征对单行人和多行人进行识别, 分类特征少, 计算量小;
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Sun, Z., Wang, J., Zhang, Y. et al. Multiple walking human recognition based on radar micro-Doppler signatures. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 58, 1–13 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-015-5327-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-015-5327-5