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Discussion on the theoretical results of white-box cryptography


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Science China Information Sciences Aims and scope Submit manuscript


White-box cryptography (WBC) aims to resist attacks from attackers who can control all the implementation details of cryptographic schemes. In 2009, Saxena et al. proposed a fundamental of white-box cryptography via the notion “white-box property” (WBP). Under this model, they proved that there do not exist obfuscators that can satisfy every security notion for a program (the negative result). On the other hand, they proved that there exists an obfuscator satisfying WBP for some security notion (the positive result). These contributions provide us a general cognition of WBC, which is big progress for the theoretical research. To better understand them, we make discussion on each result and achieve some new results. For the negative result, we prove that insufficiently secure obfuscator is the real cause of the negative result. We point out that the security of a white-box scheme cannot be guaranteed if it is instantiated by a less secure obfuscator, since the obfuscator used in their proof does not satisfy the “Virtual Black-box Property” with auxiliary input. From our proof, we also conclude that the notion WBP is equal to “Virtual Black-box Property with auxiliary input”. For the positive result, we prove that security notion under black-box model should not be used in white-box context without any modification; although the positive result is meaningful, it is unlikely to prove that an obfuscator satisfies WBP for IND-CPA, since the security notion “IND-CPA” is under black-box model, which has different adversary with WBP.



为了更好的理解Saxena等人提出的白盒密码的理论成果, 我们做出了两点注释。 对于其否定结论, 我们证明混淆器安全性的不足是导致白盒方案无法满足白盒性的真正原因, 例如不满足 “带辅助输入的虚拟黑盒性” 的混淆器。 从我们的证明中还得出, 概念 “白盒性” 与 “带辅助输入的虚拟黑盒性” 是等价的。 对于其肯定结论, 我们证明黑盒模型下的安全概念在不做修改的情况下不能够使用在白盒环境中; 由于安全概念 “IND-CPA” 是在黑盒模型下定义, 其对应的攻击者与 “白盒性” 所对应的攻击者具有不同的攻击能力, 所以不能证明一个混淆器能够对 “IND-CPA” 满足白盒性。

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Lin, T., Lai, X., Xue, W. et al. Discussion on the theoretical results of white-box cryptography. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 59, 112101 (2016).

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