The extreme aeroheating at hypersonic regime and the insufficient dynamic pressure in the near space limit the achievable performance of the hypersonic vehicles using aerosurfaces alone. In this paper, an integrated pneumatic and thrust vectoring control strategy is employed to design a control scheme for the longitudinal dynamics of a hypersonic vehicle model. The methodology reposes upon a division of the model dynamics, and an L 1 adaptive control architecture is applied to the design of the inner-loop and outer-loop controllers. Further, a control allocation algorithm is developed to coordinate pneumatic and thrust vectoring control. Simulation results demonstrate that the allocation algorithm is effective in control coordination, and the proposed control scheme achieves excellent tracking performance in spite of aerodynamic uncertainties.
受到高超音速飞行状态下气动加热效应,以及在临近空间飞行时气动舵面效率的影响,仅采用舵面控制将限制控制性能的发挥。本文采用了融合气动/矢量推力的控制策略,采用L 1自适应控制方法为一款通用高超音速飞行器纵向模型设计了控制器。通过调整分配参数,在不同飞行段改变气动控制和矢量推力控制的权重,从而突破上述限制。仿真结果验证了这一控制策略的有效性,同时,在引入气动参数不确定性的情况下取得了良好的控制精度。
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Chen, Q., Wan, J. & Ai, J. L 1 adaptive control of a generic hypersonic vehicle model with a blended pneumatic and thrust vectoring control strategy. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 60, 032203 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-0169-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-0169-8
- hypersonic flight control
- L 1 adaptive control
- thrust vectoring
- control allocation
- parametric uncertainty