Anonymous password authenticated key exchange (APAKE) is an important cryptographic primitive, through which a client holding a password can establish a session key with a server both authentically and anonymously. Although the server is guaranteed that the client in communication is from a pre-determined group, but the client’s actual identity is protected. Because of their convenience, APAKE protocols have been widely studied and applied to the privacy protection research. However, all existing APAKE protocols are handled in stand-alone models and do not adequately settle the problem of protocol composition, which is a practical issue for protocol implementation. In this paper, we overcome this issue by formulating and realizing an ideal functionality for APAKE within the well-known universal composability (UC) framework, which thus guarantees security under the protocol composition operations. Our formulation captures the essential security requirements of APAKE such as off-line dictionary attack resistance, client anonymity and explicit mutual authentication. Moreover, it addresses the arbitrary probabilistic distribution of passwords. The construction of our protocol, which utilizes SPHF-friendly commitments and CCA2-secure encryption schemes, can be instantiated and proven secure in the standard model, i.e., without random oracle heuristics.
匿名口令认证密钥交换 (APAKE) 协议是安全协议中的重要一种, 使得用户可以利用低熵口令向服务器认证地生成高熵的会话密钥, 而不泄露其具体的身份信息。 由于 APAKE 协议兼顾了口令协议的便利性和身份匿名性, 它在隐私保护相关的研究领域受到了研究者的广泛重视。 针对 APAKE 协议的可组合性安全研究的不足, 我们在通用可组合框架下形式化地定义 APAKE 安全性, 构造合适的 APAKE 理想功能, 涵盖了 APAKE 协议的可组合安全、 用户身份匿名性、 抵抗离线字典攻击、 会话密钥安全、 双向认证等安全目标; 另外, 利用 CCA 安全的公钥加密算法、 可模糊和可抽取的承诺体制、 平滑投射 Hash 函数等组件设计了 APAKE 协议, 并在标准模型下证明了协议满足可组合安全性。
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Hu, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z. et al. Universally composable anonymous password authenticated key exchange. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 60, 52107 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-5522-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-5522-z