Quality of experience (QoE) is widely applied to reflect user’s satisfaction of the network service, which exactly conforms to the user-centric concept in 5G. In this paper, we propose a QoE-based subcarrier and power allocation algorithm for the downlink transmission of a multiuser multiservice system. For the subcarrier allocation algorithm, the rate proportional fairness factor is defined to ensure the fairness between users. Based on different QoE models of three services, i.e., file down (FD), video streaming and voice over internet protocol (VOIP), a multi-objective optimization method is exploited to allocate the power resource by minimizing the total power consumption and maximizing the mean opinion score (MOS) value of users simultaneously. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm has less power consumption and higher QoE performance than the traditional proportional fairness (PF) algorithm. In addition, the proposed algorithm can achieve nearly the same fairness performance as the PF algorithm. Moreover, when the number of subcarriers becomes larger, the power assumption will be less but with little influence on both the QoE and fairness performances.
为了有效的提升无线通信系统的能源效率和整体性能, 本文提出了一种基于用户体验质量的高 能效的频率功率分配算法。针对多业务多用户网络系统中存在的各方面性能不均衡性以及系统 具有较高能耗的问题, 分别对无线通信系统中的频谱资源和功率资源进行优化分配。本文的 创新点在于利用多目标优化技术, 同时实现了优化系统能效, 用户平均QoE和用户公平性的目标。
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Wang, N., Gong, S., Fei, Z. et al. A QoE-based jointly subcarrier and power allocation for multiuser multiservice networks. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 59, 122302 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-5552-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-016-5552-6