Navigation problems of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) flying in a formation have been investigated recently, where collision avoidance is a significant issue to be addressed. In this paper, we study resource allocation and power control for radar sensing in a multi- unmanned aerial vehicle (multi-UAV) formation flight system where multiple UAVs simultaneously perform radar sensing. To cope with mutual radar interference among the UAVs, we formulate a joint channel allocation and UAV transmission power control problem to maximize the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of the radar echo signals. We then propose a computationally practical method to solve this NP-hard problem by decomposing it into two sub-problems, i.e., channel allocation and transmission power control. An iterative channel allocation and power control algorithm (ICAPCA) is proposed to jointly solve these two sub-problems. We also propose a reduced-complexity greedy channel allocation algorithm (GCAA), which can also be used to provide an initial solution to ICAPCA. Simulation results show that the proposed ICAPCA and GCAA can improve the minimum SINR and radar sensing performance significantly.
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This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U20B2039, 61871032).
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Wang, X., Fei, Z., Huang, J. et al. Joint resource allocation and power control for radar interference mitigation in multi-UAV networks. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 64, 182307 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-020-3133-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-020-3133-x