Gold-enhanced mechanical exfoliation method attracts broad interests in recent years, which has been widely used for preparing large-area and high-quality 2D single crystals. Even many calculations predict that there is strong interaction between Au film and the exfoliated 2D crystals, direct experimental evidence is still lacking. Here, we perform Raman spectroscopy measurements for few layer MoS2 with and without Au film underneath. The main peaks of MoS2 on Au film show no obvious change at higher frequency, however, the breathing and shear modes at low-frequency are suppressed, especially for breathing modes. In contrast, both breathing modes and shear modes can be detected on suspended MoS2 and the samples are transferred from Au film to SiO2/Si. These comparison results provide direct evidence for the existence of covalent-like quasi-bonding at the interface of Au film and the exfoliated MoS2 crystal. This MoS2/Au interface interaction presents a special pinning-effect for low-frequency rigid vibration. Similar pinning-effect is also discovered in WS2/Au system. Our work reports the suppression of low-frequency Raman modes of MoS2, WS2 on Au film, which will deliver new inspiration for studying other interactions between layered materials and solid surfaces.
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This work was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2019YFA0308000, 2018YFA0704201, 2019YFA0307801), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11874405, 62022089, 61971035, 61725107, 11974001, U1932153), Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS (Grants No. 2019007), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grants Nos. 2192022, Z190011), and Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB33000000). We thank Prof. Ping-Heng TAN and Dr. Miaoling LIN for discussion and valuable comments.
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Huang, X., Zhang, L., Liu, L. et al. Raman spectra evidence for the covalent-like quasi-bonding between exfoliated MoS2 and Au films. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 64, 140406 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-020-3173-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-020-3173-9