The aim of this study was to design a new approach for the acquisition of regional radial strain from the middle portion of the interventricular septum. We designed and wrote a program in Matlab (computer-assisted method) for use on a personal computer so that the septum thickness throughout the cardiac cycle could be measured instantaneously. Computer-assisted and conventional manual methods were used on the same 2D echocardiography image frames. Then, real-time 2D color Doppler myocardial imaging and conventional 2D imaging of the septum walls of 12 healthy participants at rest using apical four-chamber view were acquired. Wall thickness was measured using both the computerized program and velocity data used for tracking the segment and intensity line profile modification automatically. Then, the radial strain was estimated. Bland-Altman statistical analysis shows good agreement between the computer-assisted method and conventional manual method. The average of the peak and mean radial strains from the mid-septum of 12 healthy participants were 63.5 ± 10.7 and 31.7 ± 7.5%, respectively. We introduced a simple approach that is capable of radial strain estimation of the septum wall, which cannot be measured by current Doppler based methods in echocardiography systems.

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Moladoust, H., Mokhtari-Dizaji, M., Ojaghi-Haghighi, Z. et al. Radial strain assessment of the interventricular septum wall by a new technique in healthy subjects. Med Bio Eng Comput 45, 855–862 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-007-0222-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-007-0222-x