In magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment, controlling the nanoparticle distribution delivered in tumors is vital for achieving an optimum distribution of temperature elevations that enables a maximum damage of the tumorous cells while minimizing the heating in the surrounding healthy tissues. A multi-scale model is developed in this study to investigate the spatial distribution of nanoparticles in tissues after nanofluid injection into the extracellular space of tissues. The theoretical study consists of a particle trajectory tracking model that considers particle–surface interactions and a macroscale model for the transport of nanoparticles in the carrier solution in a porous structure. Simulations are performed to examine the effects of a variety of injection parameters and particle properties on the particle distribution in tissues. The results show that particle deposition on the cellular structure is the dominant mechanism that leads to a non-uniform particle distribution. The particle penetration depth is sensitive to the injection rate and surface properties of the particles, but relatively insensitive to the injected volume and concentration of the nanofluid.

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This research was supported by an NSF grant CBET-0730732, CBET-0828728, and a UMBC DRIF grant.
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Su, D., Ma, R., Salloum, M. et al. Multi-scale study of nanoparticle transport and deposition in tissues during an injection process. Med Biol Eng Comput 48, 853–863 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-010-0615-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-010-0615-0