Taking advantage of motion sensing technology, a quantitative assessment method for lower limbs motor function of cerebral palsy (CP) based on the gross motor function measurement (GMFM)-24 scale was explored in this study. According to the motion analysis on GMFM-24 scale, we translated the assessment problem of GMFM-24 scale into a detection problem of different motion modes including static state, fall, step, turning, alternating gait, walking, running, lifting legs, kicking balls, and jumping. The surface electromyography (sEMG) electrodes and inertial sensors were adopted to capture motion data, and a framework integrating a series of detection algorithms was presented for the assessment of lower limbs gross motor function. Two groups of participants including 8 healthy adults and 14 CP children were recruited. A self-developed data acquisition equipment integrating 24 sEMG electrodes and 9 inertial units was adopted for data acquisition. A platform based on two laser beam sensors was used to perform cross-border detection. The parameters/thresholds of motion detection algorithms were determined by the data from healthy adults, and the lower limbs gross motor function evaluation was conducted on 14 CP children. The experimental results verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed quantitative assessment method. Compared to the clinical assessment score based on GMFM-24 scale, 90.1% accuracy was obtained for evaluation of 303 tasks in 14 CP children. The objective motor function assessment method proposed has potential application value for the quantitative assessment of lower limbs motor function of CP children in clinical practice.

The algorithm framework for the assessment of lower limbs gross motor function. Using the GMFM-24 scale as the evaluation standard, a quantitative evaluation program for the lower limbs gross motor function of CP children based on motion sensing technology was proposed.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61671417 and 61871360.
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Chen, X., Wu, Q., Tang, L. et al. Quantitative assessment of lower limbs gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy based on surface EMG and inertial sensors. Med Biol Eng Comput 58, 101–116 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-019-02076-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-019-02076-w