The time series of blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients are time-varying, nonlinear, and non-stationary. In order to improve the accuracy of blood glucose prediction, a multi-scale combination short-term blood glucose prediction model was constructed by combining the variational mode decomposition (VMD) method, the kernel extreme learning machine (KELM), and the AdaBoost algorithm (VMD-ELM-AdaBoost). Firstly, the blood glucose concentration series were decomposed into a set of intrinsic modal functions (IMFs) with different scales by the VMD method. On this basis, the KELM neural network and AdaBoost algorithm are combined to predict each IMF component. Finally, the cumulative blood glucose concentration prediction value is obtained by accumulating the KELM-AdaBoost prediction results of each IMF. The time series of measured blood glucose concentration were used for experimental analysis; the experimental results show that the proposed VMD-KELM-AdaBoost method has higher prediction accuracy compared with the classical prediction models such as ELM, KELM, SVM, and LSTM. The proposed VMD-KELM-AdaBoost model can still achieve high prediction accuracy 60 min in advance (the mean values of RMSE, MAPE, and CC are about 10.1422, 4.8629%, and 0.8737 respectively); in Clarke error mesh analysis, the proportion of falling into A region is about 95.7%; the sensitivity and false alarm rate of early alarm of hypoglycemia were 94.8% and 7.7%, respectively.

We have proposed a new prediction model. In the first part, for reducing thenon-stationarity, the data of blood glucose concentration was decomposed as a series ofIMF by VMD. In the second part, a prediction model based KELM and Adaboost wasestablished. In the third part, the KELM-Adaboost model was used to predict each IMF,and the predicted values of all IMFS were superimposed to obtain the final predictionresult of blood glucose concentration.

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This research was financially supported by National Natural Science Fund (Nos. 61671338, 51877161).
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Wenbo, W., Yang, S. & Guici, C. Blood glucose concentration prediction based on VMD-KELM-AdaBoost. Med Biol Eng Comput 59, 2219–2235 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-021-02430-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-021-02430-x