Accurate registration of patient anatomy and preoperative computed tomography (CT) images is key to successful image-guided spine surgery. Current manual landmark and surface-based techniques are time-consuming and not always accurate. Intraoperative ultrasound imaging of the vertebrae, combined with automated registration, could improve surgery by improving accuracy, reducing operative time, and decreasing invasiveness.
We present a simple ultrasound-CT registration technique that is automated, accurate, and robust. Registration is achieved by aligning the posterior vertebral surface, extracted from both CT and ultrasound images, using a forward and a backward scan line tracing method, respectively. The registration technique is validated using a simple plastic phantom in a water bath and a more realistic porcine cadaver in a simulation of open back surgery.
Clinically relevant accuracy was estimated by comparing automated registrations with gold standard imaging fiducial-based reference transformations, which yielded target registration errors of under 1 mm for the plastic phantom and under 1.6 mm for the porcine cadaver.
Our registration technique demonstrates good accuracy and robustness under clinically realistic conditions and thus warrants further studies on its surgical application.
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Yan, C.X.B., Goulet, B., Pelletier, J. et al. Towards accurate, robust and practical ultrasound-CT registration of vertebrae for image-guided spine surgery. Int J CARS 6, 523–537 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-010-0536-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-010-0536-2