This paper presents and evaluates stochastic computer algorithms used to automatically detect and track marked catheter tip during MR-guided catheterization. The algorithms developed employ extraction and matching of regional features of the catheter tip to perform the localization.
To perform the tracking, a probability map that indicates the possible locations of the catheter tip in the MR images is first generated. This map is generated from the similarity to a given marker template. The method to assess the similarity between the marker template image and the different positions on each MR frame is based on speeded-up robust features extracted from the gradient image. The probability map is then used in two different stochastic localization frameworks mean shift (MS) localization and Kalman filter (KF) to track the position of the catheter using pairs of orthogonal projection of 2D MR images. The algorithm developed was tested on catheter tip marked with LC resonant circuit (of size \(2\,\hbox {mm}\,\times \,2\,\hbox {cm}\)) tuned to the Larmor frequency of the MRI scanner and for different image resolutions (1, 3, 5 and 7 mm squared pixel).
The tracking performance was very robust for the two algorithms MS and KF with image resolution as low as 3 mm where the localization error was about 1 mm for KF and 0.9 mm for MS. For the 5-mm resolution images, the error was 2.2 mm for both KF and MS, and for the 7-mm resolution images, the error was 3.6 and 3.7 mm for KF and MS, respectively.
Both KF and MS gave comparable results when it comes to accuracy for the different image resolutions. The results showed that the two tracking algorithms tracked the catheter tip with high robustness for image resolution of 3 mm and with acceptable reliability for image resolution as poor as 5 mm with the resonant marker configuration used.

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No 238802 (IIIOS project).
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Eldirdiri, A., Courivaud, F., Palomar, R. et al. Catheter tip tracking for MR-guided interventions using discrete Kalman filter and mean shift localization. Int J CARS 9, 313–322 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-013-0933-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-013-0933-4