This study aims to determine the three-dimensional (3D) texture features extracted from intensity and high-order derivative maps that could reflect textural differences between bladder tumors and wall tissues, and propose a noninvasive, image-based strategy for bladder tumor differentiation preoperatively.
A total of 62 cancerous and 62 wall volumes of interest (VOI) were extracted from T2-weighted MRI datasets of 62 patients with pathologically confirmed bladder cancer. To better reflect heterogeneous distribution of tumor tissues, 3D high-order derivative maps (the gradient and curvature maps) were calculated from each VOI. Then 3D Haralick features based on intensity and high-order derivative maps and Tamura features based on intensity maps were extracted from each VOI. Statistical analysis and recursive feature elimination-based support vector machine classifier (RFE-SVM) was proposed to first select the features with significant differences and then obtain a more predictive and compact feature subset to verify its differentiation performance.
From each VOI, a total of 58 texture features were derived. Among them, 37 features showed significant inter-class differences (\(P\le 0.01\)). With 29 optimal features selected by RFE-SVM, the classification results namely the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics were 0.9032, 0.8548, 0.8790 and 0.9045, respectively. By using synthetic minority oversampling technique to augment the sample number of each group to 200, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy an AUC value of the feature selection-based classification were improved to 0.8967, 0.8780, 0.8874 and 0.9416, respectively.
Our results suggest that 3D texture features derived from intensity and high-order derivative maps can better reflect heterogeneous distribution of cancerous tissues. Texture features optimally selected together with sample augmentation could improve the performance on differentiating bladder carcinomas from wall tissues, suggesting a potential way for tumor noninvasive staging of bladder cancer preoperatively.

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This work was partially supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 81230035, and the Shaanxi Provincial Foundation for Social Development and Key Technology under Grant No. 2015SF177, No. 2016SF302. We would like to thank Mr. Long-Biao Cui from Department of Radiology, Xijing Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University for the inspiration and discussion of the research idea in this study, and Mr. Dan Xiao for his technical support on medical image processing. More importantly, we would like to thank all editors and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful, helpful and thought-provoking suggestions on the quality improvement of this work.
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Xu, X., Zhang, X., Tian, Q. et al. Three-dimensional texture features from intensity and high-order derivative maps for the discrimination between bladder tumors and wall tissues via MRI. Int J CARS 12, 645–656 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-017-1522-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-017-1522-8