In this paper we propose MicrelEye, a wireless video node for cooperative distributed video processing applications that involve image classification. The node is equipped with a low-cost VGA CMOS image sensor, a reconfigurable processing engine (FPGA, Microcontroller, SRAM) and a Bluetooth 100-m transceiver. It has a size of few cubic centimeters and its typical power consumption is approximately ten times less than that of typical commercial DSP-based solutions. As regards classification, a highly optimized hardware-oriented support vector machine-like (SVM-like) algorithm called ERSVM is proposed and implemented. We describe our hardware and software architecture, its performance and power characteristics. The case study considered in this paper is people detection. The obtained results suggest that the present technology allows for the design of simple intelligent video nodes capable of performing classification tasks locally.
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This work was supported in part by Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research under grant 2005-099215.
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Kerhet, A., Magno, M., Leonardi, F. et al. A low-power wireless video sensor node for distributed object detection. J Real-Time Image Proc 2, 331–342 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-007-0048-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-007-0048-7