While modern variational methods for optic flow computation offer dense flow fields and highly accurate results, their computational complexity has prevented their use in many real-time applications. With cheap modern parallel hardware such as the Cell Processor of the Sony PlayStation 3, new possibilities arise. For a linear and a nonlinear variant of the popular combined local-global method, we present specific algorithms on this architecture that are tailored towards real-time performance. They are based on bidirectional full multigrid methods with a full approximation scheme in the nonlinear setting. Their parallel design on the Cell hardware uses a temporal instead of a spatial decomposition, and processes operations in a vector-based manner. Memory latencies are reduced by a locality-preserving cache management and optimised access patterns. For images of size 316 × 252 pixels, we obtain dense flow fields for up to 210 frames per second.

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Gwosdek, P., Bruhn, A. & Weickert, J. Variational optic flow on the Sony PlayStation 3. J Real-Time Image Proc 5, 163–177 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-009-0132-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-009-0132-2