We implement image correlation, a fundamental component of many real-time imaging and tracking systems, on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using NVIDIA’s CUDA platform. We use our code to analyze images of liquid-gas phase separation in a model colloid-polymer system, photographed in the absence of gravity aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Our GPU code is 4,000 times faster than simple MATLAB code performing the same calculation on a central processing unit (CPU), 130 times faster than simple C code, and 30 times faster than optimized C++ code using single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) extensions. The speed increases from these parallel algorithms enable us to analyze images downlinked from the ISS in a rapid fashion and send feedback to astronauts on orbit while the experiments are still being run.

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This work was supported by NASA grant NNX08AE09G and the NVIDIA professor partnership program. We thank A. Bik, J. Curley, A. Ghuloum, D. Luebke, E. Phillips, B. Saar, H. Saito, M. Schnubbel-Stutz, L. Vogt, and many helpful individuals throughout NASA and its contractors.
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Lu, P.J., Oki, H., Frey, C.A. et al. Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated correlation of images from the International Space Station. J Real-Time Image Proc 5, 179–193 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-009-0133-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-009-0133-1