Chaos-based cryptography has become a major interest for providing effective, fast and secure encryption in the recent few years. Chaos-based encryption applies basically repetitive steps of more than one chaotic map to increase the strength of the security. However, this repetition unfortunately increases the processing time especially for videos. With the advent of the graphical processing units (GPU), many encryption algorithms were applied for image and video encryption using GPU to gain a speedup for the whole process. In this paper, we aim to introduce parallel implementation for chaos-based encryption techniques which enables using GPUs to perform the encryption and decryption process more efficient than using the traditional methods in processing both images and videos. The simulation results of the proposed algorithms on GPU using CUDA-OpenGL demonstrate an execution time reduction of almost 75% of encryption speed which encourages exploring more chaotic maps for video encryption.

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Elrefaey, A., Sarhan, A. & El-Shennawy, N.M. Parallel approaches to improve the speed of chaotic-maps-based encryption using GPU. J Real-Time Image Proc 18, 1897–1906 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-020-01064-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-020-01064-w