In this paper, we propose a novel chaotic-based encryption scheme for securing real-time video data. The proposed encryption algorithm is based on the One-Time Pad (OTP) scheme and the unified Lorenz chaotic generator. The peculiarity of the latter is that it can change the chaotic system’s and its behaviour as well as its parameters. This provides the system with an important dynamic reconfiguration dimension, especially for real-time applications, in case the key is under attack. As a result, the attacker is obliged to perform these calculations again and again. The 3D unified chaotic generator can switch between three chaotic systems according to a control parameter. As a result, the cryptosystem will offer several advantages, namely a very large dimension of the secret key, low resource and energy consumption and low latency. An extensive security and differential analysis have been performed, demonstrating the high resistance of the proposed scheme to different attacks. The proposed encryption algorithm is validated for real-time video through an experimental implementation of FPGA interfaced with a camera. Experimental results indicate that the proposed hardware architecture is very promising since it provides good performance and can be useful in many embedded applications.

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Hadjadj, M.A., Sadoudi, S., Azzaz, M.S. et al. A new hardware architecture of lightweight and efficient real-time video chaos-based encryption algorithm. J Real-Time Image Proc 19, 1049–1062 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-022-01244-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-022-01244-w