One way to achieve reliability with low-latency is through multi-path routing and transport protocols that build redundant delivery channels (or data paths) to reduce end-to-end packet losses and retransmissions. However, the applicability and effectiveness of such protocols are limited by the topological constraints of the underlying communication infrastructure. Multiple data delivery paths can only be constructed over networks that are capable of supporting multiple paths. In mission-critical wireless networks, the underlying network topology is directly affected by the terrain, location and environmental interferences, however the settings of the wireless radios at each node can be properly configured to compensate for these effects for multi-path support. In this work we investigate optimization models for topology designs that enable end-to-end dual-path support on a distributed wireless sensor network. We consider the case of a fixed sensor network with isotropic antennas, where the control variable for topology management is the transmission power on network nodes. For optimization modeling, the network metrics of relevance are coverage, robustness and power utilization. The optimization models proposed in this work eliminate some of the typical assumptions made in the pertinent network design literature that are too strong in this application context.
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Carvalho, M., Sorokin, A., Boginski, V. et al. Topology design for on-demand dual-path routing in wireless networks. Optim Lett 7, 695–707 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-012-0453-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-012-0453-0