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The second author is also affiliated with the UMI LAFMIA 3175 CNRS at CINVESTAV-IPN. He also acknowledges the financial support from CONACyT project no. 103570. This work was also funded in part by the ec (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the ‘Plan Nacional de i+d+i’, with contract number tin2011-25448. The work of Eduardo Segredo was funded by grant fpu-ap2009-0457.
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Segura, C., Coello Coello, C.A., Segredo, E. et al. On the adaptation of the mutation scale factor in differential evolution. Optim Lett 9, 189–198 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-014-0723-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-014-0723-0