The generalized independent set problem (GISP) can be conceived as a relaxation of the maximum weight independent set problem. GISP has a number of practical applications, such as forest harvesting and handling geographic uncertainty in spatial information. This work presents an iterated local search (ILS) heuristic for solving GISP. The proposed heuristic relies on two new neighborhood structures, which are explored using a variable neighborhood descent procedure. Experimental results on a well-known GISP benchmark indicate our proposal outperforms the best existing heuristic for the problem. In particular, our ILS approach was able to find all known optimal solutions and to present new improved best solutions.

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Nogueira, B., Pinheiro, R.G.S. & Tavares, E. Iterated local search for the generalized independent set problem. Optim Lett 15, 1345–1369 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-020-01643-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-020-01643-7