Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have been demonstrated to solve a variety of continuous control tasks. However, the training efficiency and performance of such methods limit further applications. In this paper, we propose an off-policy heterogeneous actor-critic (HAC) algorithm, which contains soft Q-function and ordinary Q-function. The soft Q-function encourages the exploration of a Gaussian policy, and the ordinary Q-function optimizes the mean of the Gaussian policy to improve the training efficiency. Experience replay memory is another vital component of off-policy RL methods. We propose a new sampling technique that emphasizes recently experienced transitions to boost the policy training. Besides, we integrate HAC with hindsight experience replay (HER) to deal with sparse reward tasks, which are common in the robotic manipulation domain. Finally, we evaluate our methods on a series of continuous control benchmark tasks and robotic manipulation tasks. The experimental results show that our method outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods in terms of training efficiency and performance, which validates the effectiveness of our method.
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This work was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (NO. 2018AAA 0103003), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 61773378), Basic Research Program (NO. JCKY *******B029), and Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Science (NO. XDB32050100).
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Bao Xi received the B. Sc. degree in automation, and the M. Eng. degree in control science and engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China in 2013 and 2016, respectively, and received the Ph. D. degree in control theory and control engineering at State Key Laboratory of Management and Control or Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2021.
His research interests include robotics and automation.
E-mail: xi_bao@foxmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1495-8802
Rui Wang received the B. Eng. degree in automation from Beijing Institute of Technology, China in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), China in 2018. He is currently an assistant professor with State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, CASIA.
His research interests include intelligent control, robotics, underwater robots, and biomimetic robots.
E-mail: rwang5212@ia.ac.cn
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3172-3167
Ying-Hao Cai received the Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2009. She was a postdoctoral research associate in Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, University of Southern California, USA, and a senior research scientist in Machine Vision Group, University of Oulu, Finland. She is an associate professor in Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Her research interests include object detection and tracking and computer vision in robotics.
E-mail: yinghao.cai@ia.ac.cn
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3024-2943
Tao Lu received the B. Eng. degree in control engineering from Shandong University, China in 2002, and the Ph. D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2007. He is currently an associate professor in State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
His research interest is reinforcement learning in robot manipulation.
E-mail: tao.lu@ia.ac.cn
Shuo Wang received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Shenyang Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute, China in 1995, received the M.Eng. degree in industrial automation from the Northeastern University, China in 1998, and received the Ph. D. degree in control theory and control engineering from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2001. He is currently a professor in State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
His research interests include biomimetic robot, underwater robot, and multirobot systems.
E-mail: shuo.wang@ia.ac.cn (Corresponding author)
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1390-9219
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Xi, B., Wang, R., Cai, YH. et al. A Novel Heterogeneous Actor-critic Algorithm with Recent Emphasizing Replay Memory. Int. J. Autom. Comput. 18, 619–631 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11633-021-1296-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11633-021-1296-x