Cause-specific hazard models are a popular tool for the analysis of competing risks data. The classical modeling approach in discrete time consists of fitting parametric multinomial logit models. A drawback of this method is that the focus is on main effects only, and that higher order interactions are hard to handle. Moreover, the resulting models contain a large number of parameters, which may cause numerical problems when estimating coefficients. To overcome these problems, a tree-based model is proposed that extends the survival tree methodology developed previously for time-to-event models with one single type of event. The performance of the method, compared with several competitors, is investigated in simulations. The usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by an analysis of age-related macular degeneration among elderly people that were monitored by annual study visits.

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Support by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Grant SCHM 2966/1-2 and SCHM 2966/2-1, is gratefully acknowledged. The MODIAMD study is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Funding Number 13N10349.
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Appendix: Further simulation results
Appendix: Further simulation results
Results of the simulation study. The boxplots visualize the predictive log-likelihood values obtained from the various tree-based approaches for the six scenarios with \(n=500\). Dark gray boxplots refer to the results with splitting by Gini impurity (GI), light gray boxplots refer to the results with splitting by Hellinger distance (HD). High values of the predictive log-likelihood correspond to good model fits, and vice versa
Results of the simulation study. The boxplots visualize the predictive log-likelihood values obtained from various modeling approaches for the six scenarios with \(n=500\). The first two boxplots (GI and HD) obtained from the tree-based models refer to the results with tuning by the predictive log-likelihood (ll), respectively. The sixth boxplot in each of the six panels contains the true log-likelihood values of the 100 test data sets (True), based on the true hazards defined in (18). Dashed lines refer to the median values of the best-performing tree-based model
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Berger, M., Welchowski, T., Schmitz-Valckenberg, S. et al. A classification tree approach for the modeling of competing risks in discrete time. Adv Data Anal Classif 13, 965–990 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-018-0345-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-018-0345-y
- Discrete time-to-event data
- Competing risks
- Recursive partitioning
- Cause-specific hazards
- Regression modeling