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A framework for international location decisions for manufacturing firms

  • Production Management
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The purpose of this paper is to address current shortcomings in international location decisions (ILD), which were identified through an exploratory study, by developing a model that addresses previous limitations in research and encapsulate an adequate theories and frameworks. Based on insights from an exploratory study on 17 Danish manufacturing firms and a literature review of over a 100 publications, the scope model was developed with the MECE principles in mind in order to encompass all aspects as identified, while being supplemented by adequate tools and models in different phases of the ILD process. This paper presents an application-oriented model for facilitating ILDs in manufacturing firms, which is unique in its way of being exhaustive and yet able to decompose the ILD problem in different aspects and abstraction levels to assist firms in balancing and aligning their efforts with strategic goals and organizational values.

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Schmidt, A.S.T., Touray, E. & Hansen, Z.N.L. A framework for international location decisions for manufacturing firms. Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 11, 703–713 (2017).

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