This paper describes a new characteristic vector model for fingerprint representation that uses a planar graph and triangulation algorithms. This new characteristic vector model performed better in a fingerprint identification system than other vector models already proposed in the literature. Minutiae extraction is an essential step in a fingerprint recognition system. This paper presents a new method for minutiae extraction that explores the duality ridge ending/ridge bifurcation that exists when the skeleton image of a fingerprint is inverted. This new extraction method simplifies the computational complexity of a fingerprint identification system.

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de Macedo Rodrigues, R., Costa, M.G.F. & Costa Filho, C.F.F. Fingerprint verification using characteristic vectors based on planar graphics. SIViP 9, 1121–1135 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-013-0548-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-013-0548-9