Among different methods of image de-noising, partial differential equation (PDE)-based de-noising attracted much attention in the field of medical image processing. The benefit of PDE-based de-noising methods is the ability to smooth image in a nonlinear way, which effectively removes the noise as well as preserving edge through anisotropic diffusion (AD) controlled by the diffusive function. Today, AD filtering such as Perona and Malik (P–M) model is widely used for MR Image enhancement. However, the AD filter is non-optimal for MR images that have Rician noise. Originally, the PDE-based de-noising designed for additive Gaussian distributed noise was signal independent, but the Rician noise was signal dependent. In this paper, we proposed a new adaptive coupled diffusion PDE fitted with MRI Rician noise which not only preserved the edges and fine structures, but also performed efficient de-noising. Our method was an improved version of AADM (automatic parameter selection anisotropic diffusion for MR Images). For this purpose, we have presented a new adaptive method to estimate the standard deviation of noise. As the simulation results showed, our proposed diffusion effectively improved the improved signal-to-noise ratio (ISNR) and preserved edges more than P–M, AADM and unbiased NLM (UNLM—unbiased non-local means) methods to remove Rician noise in MR Images.

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Heydari, M., Karami, MR. & Babakhani, A. A new adaptive coupled diffusion PDE for MRI Rician noise. SIViP 10, 1211–1218 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-016-0878-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-016-0878-5