In this research work, a saliency map-based colonoscopy image analysis system is proposed for colonic polyp segmentation. Polyps are the precursor to cancer, and their early diagnosis is very crucial for better prognosis and clinical management. Automated segmentation of such polyps from the highly acquired colonoscopy frames lessens the doctors’ burden and enhances efficiency. In our method, polyps, which are the colonoscopy frames’ salient regions, are detected using a deep convolutional architecture based on U-Net. The shape of the polyps is an essential cue for doctors for its detection and localization. Therefore, an unconstrained shape compactness prior is employed to boost the efficiency of polyp localization. The shape compactness prior, along with the probability map, is formulated into an energy functional, subsequently solved by employing an alternating direction method of multipliers to give the polyp segmentation mask. Our framework can give an average dice similarity coefficient of 82.11% on the CVC-ClinicDB dataset, which is very much competitive to the recent state-of-the-art approaches. Our method thus can be used as a diagnostic tool for colonoscopic image analysis.

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Sasmal, P., Bhuyan, M.K. & Iwahori, Y. A saliency map-guided shape compactness for segmentation of polyps in colonoscopy images. SIViP 16, 2295–2301 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-022-02195-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-022-02195-2