Taking photos with improper exposure settings can produce undesirable over- or under-exposed images. Exposure correction is a technique aiming to restore the appearance of these improperly exposed images. A trend of existing works is to correct both over- and under-exposed images with an unified deep model. However, the black-box nature of deep learning makes these methods lack intuitive explanations and prone to overfitting. Therefore, we propose to alleviate this problem by the combination of deep learning and traditional intensity transformation strategy. Specifically speaking, we firstly propose a curve model composited by gamma transformation and logistic function, which are used to compensate for image brightness and enhance image contrast respectively. Then, we merge the curve model and deep learning into a framework by using a convolution network to estimate the parameters of the curve model. The curve model imposes a constraint on the framework, which brings better interpretability and low risk of overfitting to our method. Experimental results have revealed the effectiveness of our method, and it has achieved satisfactory performance both quantitatively and qualitatively.

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Partial financial support was received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 62305255), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (Project No. 2022CFB537, 2020CFB386) and the Youth Talent Project of Department of Education of Hubei Provincial (Project No. Q20221706).
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Luo, H., Liang, J. & Yan, X. Exposure correction by deep curve estimation. SIViP 18, 813–820 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02815-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02815-5