Spectrum is a natural resource and is utilized in various applications. The proposed method addresses the necessity of spectrum sensing and shows improvement in detection probability. The proposed hybrid sensing technique includes two different spectrum sensing techniques for detecting the unused spectrum. Based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the received signals, the proposed hybrid sensing techniques either energy based spectrum sensing or eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing are chosen based on the SNR computation. For low SNR ranges, Eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing is used, and for high SNR energy based spectrum sensing is used to identify the unused spectrum depending on the presence or absence of the primary users (PUs). The proposed model is simulated, implemented, and tested in a cognitive radio test bed and its performance is analyzed. Under high SNR region, the proposed system shows a 93% improvement in the probability of detection while energy detection provides 88% improvement. Comparing the performance of the proposed hybrid sensing technique with Eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing, the proposed model shows an improvement of 97% probability of detection. Under low SNR region, the proposed model shows a 90% improvement in the probability of detection while energy based spectrum sensing and Eigenvalue based spectrum sensing provide 50% and 85%, respectively.

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Ramya, M., Rajeswari, A. Improved hybrid spectrum sensing technique in cognitive radio communication system. SIViP 18, 4233–4242 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03067-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03067-7