Multispectral imaging systems with a multispectral filter array (MSFA) provide an affordable and portable way to capture multispectral images (MSIs) that have a variety of applications in different fields. These systems generate raw images initially and require an effective multispectral image demosaicking technique for reconstructing the MSI from the raw data. These demosaicking methods require proper usage of the spectral correlation available between the bands of MSI to generate high quality MSI. However, the existing demosaicking methods only partially utilize this spectral correlation, as they use spectral correlation only in the initial estimation of MSI. In this work, we utilize the spectral correlation between bands iteratively and finally enhance the quality of the generated image using median filtering based image enhancement. The exploratory results on the two standard datasets publicise the quality of the presented method on the various metrics.

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VR and KR wrote the manuscript. VR and PG did the conceptualization of the method. VR made the figures and written algorithm. KR generated the tables. All authors reviewed the manuscript as last.
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Appendix A The number of iterations between band i and band j
Here, we show the number of iterations between band i and band j for 11–16 bands multispectral images in Tables 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Performance of the proposed method on 11-band MSIs from the CAVE dataset across varying iterations. The red triangle indicates the performance reported in the manuscript. itr denotes the iterations used in the manuscript as mentioned in Table 10, ‘\(itr + x\)’, \( (x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})\) represents iterations increased by x, and \(itr*\) indicates the single iteration
Performance of the proposed method on 12-band MSIs from the CAVE dataset across varying iterations. The red triangle indicates the performance reported in the manuscript. itr denotes the iterations used in the manuscript as mentioned in Table 11, ‘\(itr + x\)’, \( (x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})\) represents iterations increased by x, and \(itr*\) indicates the single iteration
Performance of the proposed method on 16-band MSIs from the CAVE dataset across varying iterations. The red triangle indicates the performance reported in the manuscript. itr denotes the iterations used in the manuscript as mentioned in Table 15, ‘\(itr + x\)’, \( (x = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5})\) represents iterations increased by x, and \(itr*\) indicates the single iteration
Appendix B Impact of number of iterations on the proposed method
Here, we show the impact of the number of iterations on the proposed method. We run the proposed method for greater or fewer iterations than the one mentioned in the manuscript and observe that the performance of the proposed algorithm has decreased. Below, we show the performance of the proposed method on 11-band, 12-band and 16-band multispectral images on the CAVE dataset. In the following figures, the number of iterations is increased or decreased sequentially (Figs. 4, 5, 6).
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Rathi, V., Rana, K. & Goyal, P. Iterative spectral correlation based multispectral image demosaicking. SIViP 18, 7873–7886 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03435-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03435-3