This study offers a fresh technique for translating subtitles in sports events, addressing the issues of real-time translation with improved accuracy and efficiency. Different from standard methods, which often result in delayed or inaccurate subtitles, the proposed method integrates advanced annotation techniques and machine learning algorithms to increase subtitle recognition and extraction. Annotation techniques in this study include systematically labeling spoken elements like commentary and dialogue, enabling accurate subtitle recognition and real-time adjustments in live sports broadcasts to ensure both accuracy and contextual relevance. These novel ideas allow for seamless adjustments to multiple language types, including the voices of commentators, off-site hosts, and athletes, while maintaining critical information within strict word count limits. Key improvements include faster processing times and increased translation precision, which are crucial for the dynamic environment of live sports broadcasts. The study builds on past studies in audiovisual translation, specifically tailoring its strategy to the unique demands of sports media. By emphasizing the importance of clear and contextually appropriate real-time subtitles, this research presents significant advancements over existing methods, providing valuable insights for future translation projects in sports and similar contexts. The results contribute to a more effective subtitle translation framework, enhancing the accessibility and viewing experience for audiences during live sports events.
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Data availability
No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
- NLP:
Natural language processing
- CV:
Computer vision
- ML:
Machine learning
- DL:
Deep learning
- SLR:
Systematic literature review
- NER:
Named entity recognition
- DHH:
Deaf and hard of hearing
- IBM:
International Business Machines Corporation
- HMM:
Hidden Markov model
- EM:
- GB:
- OCR:
Optical character recognition
- BP:
Length-based penalty factor
- Bleu:
Bilingual evaluation understudy
- LS:
Length statistics
- CLM:
Character-level modeling
- ES:
Experimental setup
- TT:
Training time
- ASD:
Abnormal subtitle displays
- RA:
Relationship analysis
- N:
Gray level series of the image/total pixels
- z:
Detection framework
- S:
Mean value of the gray level difference of the adjacent frames of the whole video
- \(\left( {P_{r} \left( {\overline{e}_{l} ,\overline{f}} \right)} \right)\) :
Number of times the phrase pair appears in the corpus
- M:
Length of the video frame sequence
- r:
Window size
- W:
Inter-frame difference measurement of each frame
- g:
- A:
Gray value histogram
- L:
Inter-frame difference measurement of each frame
- j:
Frame index
- k:
Cumulative number of blocks
- D:
Euclidean distance
- F:
Sobel gradient amplitude
- k:
The weighting factor for Sobel operator
- L:
Inter-frame difference measurement of each frame
- ∏:
Product operator
- G:
Horizontal template for convolution
- g:
Vertical template for convolution
- x,y:
Pixel coordinates
- E:
Translation probability estimation
- ξ:
Normalization factor
- γ:
Number of times a phrase appears in the target sentence
- δ:
Translation probability
- τ:
Number of times a word appears in the target sentence
- n:
Number of word pairs
- E:
Translation probability estimation
- aj (x):
Gray value histogram of frame J
- bk (y):
Gray value histogram of frame g
- Fj (x,y):
Gray value at pixel point (x,y) in frame j
- Fk (x,y):
Gray value at pixel point (x,y) in frame k
- Gx :
Sobel gradient in the horizontal direction
- Gy :
Sobel gradient in the vertical direction
- U1 :
Gradient matrix from horizontal template
- U2 :
Gradient matrix from vertical template
- \(Ecount\) \(\left( {P_{r} \left( {\overline{e}_{l} ,\overline{f}} \right)} \right)\) :
Parallel bilingual phrase pair
- w(ei,fi):
The Lexicalized weighted feature between words ei and fi
- count(fi,ei):
Number of times the word pair (fi,ei) appears in the corpus
- wn :
Corresponding weight of co-occurrence n-ary words.
- pn :
Precision of n-ary words
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This research is supported by Gansu Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project Periodical Achievement (2021YB019).
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Liu Qiang: Writing—original draft preparation, conceptualization, supervision, project administration. Zeng Zhiliang: formal analysis, methodology. Wang Lei: software, validation.
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Zhiliang, Z., Lei, W. & Qiang, L. A method for real-time translation of online video subtitles in sports events. SIViP 19, 146 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03606-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03606-2