The single image deblurring task has made remarkable progress, with convolutional neural networks exhibiting extraordinary performance. However, existing methods maintain high-quality reconstruction through an excessive number of parameters and extremely deep network structures, which results in increased requirements for computational resources and memory storage, making it challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices. Numerous experiments indicate that current models still possess redundant parameters. To address these issues, we introduce a multi-scale Unet-based feature aggregation network (MUANet). This network architecture is based on a single-stage Unet, which significantly simplifies the network’s complexity. A lightweight Unet-based attention block is designed, based on a progressive feature extraction module to enhance feature extraction from multi-scale attention modules. Given the extraordinary performance of the self-attention mechanism, we propose a self-attention mechanism based on fourier transform and a depthwise convolutional feed-forward network to enhance the network’s feature extraction capability. This module contains extractors with different receptive fields for feature extraction at different spatial scales and capturing contextual information. Through the aggregation of multi-scale features from different attention mechanisms, our method learns a set of rich features that retain contextual information from multiple scales and high-resolution spatial details. Extensive experiments show that the proposed MUANet achieves competitive results in lightweight deblurring qualitative and quantitative evaluations.
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Yang, Y., Gai, S. & Da, F. Multi-scale Unet-based feature aggregation network for lightweight image deblurring. SIViP 19, 22 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03657-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03657-5