Drones are widely used in fields such as agriculture, environmental protection, and public safety. In these applications, the ability to detect small targets typically directly determines the effectiveness of drone image analysis. Due to the small number of pixels in the image, feature extraction is very difficult for small targets. Traditional algorithms find it difficult to capture the details of small targets. Although multi-scale feature fusion technology can improve detection capability, feature loss and interference still occur after multiple samplings. To effectively address this challenge, an innovative architecture called Auxiliary Reversible Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network (ARBFPN) has been proposed. The core design concept is to enhance the integrity of feature information by introducing auxiliary structures, and to prevent feature loss during transmission by using residual connections, thereby preserving more detailed information, which is crucial for small object detection in the feature extraction stage. Meanwhile, by optimizing the detection head through detail enhancement mechanism and gating mechanism, a Lightweight Detail Enhanced Gated Head (LDEGH) was innovatively proposed to improve the overall detection accuracy. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, relevant experiments were conducted on the VisDrone2019 dataset. The experimental results show that compared with existing technologies, its performance is significantly better than the state-of-the-art technology (SOTA), bringing new breakthroughs to the field of small object detection in drone images.
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No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
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The work is partially supported by the NSFC (Nos. 61976006), NSF_AH (No. 2108085MF206).
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W. Bian made a significant intellectual contribution to the theoretical development, experimental design. F. Luo participated in the design of prototype development, experiments and wrote the original manuscript. B. Jie provided assistance for the theoretical development, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. And furthermore, Bian and Jie performed manuscript review, and carefully revised this manuscript for intellectual content. H. Dong and L. Fu participated in the analysis and interpretation of data associated with the work contained in the article. All authors have read and approved the final version of the article as accepted for publication, including references.
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Luo, F., Bian, W., Jie, B. et al. ARBFPN-YOLOv8: auxiliary reversible bidirectional feature pyramid network for UAV small target detection. SIViP 19, 63 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03661-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03661-9