This study proposes an image acquisition method using scattering parameters based on the evaluation of tissue information in the reflection coefficient curves. An antenna with breast tissue in its mid-field was simulated at millimeter wave frequencies, consecutively for varying tissue types, sizes, and locations. The resulting 3468 reflection coefficient curves |S11| were assessed by Mutual Information and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The accuracy of prediction models achieved %96.4 in tissue size, and regression models localized tissues with errors less than their sizes. ML models extracted the tissue information from an |S11| curve, however, the extraction process varied from model to model and was not defined. Considering that the interference phenomenon identifies the relation between tissue and |S11| curve, an interference pattern was created using the |S11| curve. Then, the pattern was assumed as a coefficient matrix of a system of linear equations, where the unknowns were tissue vectors in the radiation field. The solution of this system provided the tissues’ contributions to |S11|. Therefore, a reflection pattern and |S11| curves made image acquisition attainable, and a distinctive method, Reflection Coefficient-based Linear Tomographic Imaging (RC-LTI), was presented for breast cancer detection.
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Güneş, N., Duru, İ. & Tabaru, T.E. A Linear system of reflection coefficients for tomographic imaging of breast cancer. SIViP 19, 167 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03758-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03758-1